Angie Windsor

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Throughout my creative journey I have always pushed my limits of photographing. The dark is something many photographers dislike, that loss of light which is so important. I have feared the dark for many years but I have found it has been a great source of challenging inspiration. Through photographing with limited light, distortion and abstraction are areas I have focused on to represent the deeper parts of our minds, through distorting light I have been able to connect the ideas of the unconscious mind to a visual source providing a deeper understanding.
Photography has been viewed in books for almost as long as it has been invented. Through producing hand made books I have found including my work in a book is a much smoother viewing experience and for this set of images added to the journey through the night. Most types of photographs are or have been stored in a type of book and to a certain extent many are constructed by the photographer themselves, especially that of the family album. Exploring the way the album is stored and the importance of snapshots is another area of interest for me, it is this in relation to the theories of the preconscious I wish to further explore.