Sunil Prajapati

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Photography and death are closely related to one another. The act of photographing has been compared with shooting with the camera being the gun in this case. A photograph stealing a moment in time permently, it turns yesterday into tomorrow by taking the memories and carrying them on so that you can always relive them. The photograph can never convey the actual feeling people have when a person dies it can only show the way a person sees it. A memento mori in a works of art is a symbol or portrayal of death. It reminds the viewer that life must end sometime and encourages them to think about their own life. "Memento mori" means, "Remember you must die" in Latin. The Dutch painting of the 16th and 17th century has been a great influence for my photographic practices, drawing upon the similar theme and lighting techniques, I create works which reflects the inevitably of life through the use of symbolic objects and metaphors, which can affect people differently depend of their life experiences