Mary Hogg

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Focusing on portraiture within my work lead me to research what a portrait shows and after researching artist Thomas Ruff I took his notion on the portrait only showing the surface and further researched the pseudo science, physiognomy this added to my understanding of a portrait and what it can tell you. No longer trying to create images that showed persons inner self I created my series Conform.
Conform involved using hands to manipulate the face reflecting the social pressures others put on to that and us then we put on ourselves. Taking this idea that we are taught these things these are not ideas we were born with. Through tradition and history prejudice arises the way a person can adapt and to a situation can hide the inner self. So why do we believe what we see, to be true. We are brought up to believe that beautiful is good and true and this in comparison this would have us think that ugly is bad and wrong. These views are taught to us from religion and the images they describe god as beautiful and light where the devil is ugly and dark (Cousins, M, 1999).
My new series will consist of these same concepts and I will be drawing on the theme of stereotypes. By taking sports that have these judgments made against them, I will be trying to break down the gender roles.